What to expect when you attend:


A warm welcome.
You’re welcome here! When you walk in, expect people to say something like, “Hi, we haven’t met before, is this your first time?” You might feel awkward—we’ve all been there! We want you to feel like family and make yourself at home.


Hot coffee.
Our café at the front of the church—facing Main Street—serves free hot coffee every morning before church! And it’s a great place to converse and get to know people.

Learn about Gathering Grounds Coffee, our public coffee shop!


A kid-friendly environment.
We love kids! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, engaging atmosphere for kids of all ages to learn about Jesus.


Expect to see people genuinely loving and praising God. We praise by lifting our hands, clapping, shouting, dancing, and through music and singing! We sing contemporary songs and old hymns alike. We welcome you to worship with us!


A move of the Spirit.
Church would be boring if God didn’t show up! When we pray and worship, the Spirit of God moves and miracles can happen. We believe in praying for people to be healed, set free from addiction and anguish, and filled with the Spirit.


We believe the Bible is God’s Word, and our goal is to faithfully and diligently build our lives on what it says.
What we believe.
Watch a sermon.


What do I wear?
You’ll find everything from casual clothes to Sunday best—church is not about what you wear. Come dressed in what makes you feel comfortable!


Will I be expected to do anything if I attend?
There are times when we call the congregation to stand together, pray together, receive offering, etc.—but none of these are orders or requirements! You are welcome to participate in the service to the degree that you are comfortable.


Plan your visit.
If you’d like, reach out and schedule a visit. We can plan ahead of time to meet you at the door, give you a tour of our church, and remove some of the anxiousness of walking into somewhere new. Plan Your Visit